What is expedited delivery?
THE LNK now offers the possibility to choose among a wider assortment of items with the new expedited delivery. This new delivery service allows you to buy almost every product and every size there is on stock, regardless of where it is stored, for the price of $24.
If your order doesn’t meet the minimum order value, we will only charge you the expedited fee.
How do I know which items will be shipped with expedited delivery?
When browsing for items you can recognise them as expedited items by the logo displayed on the article page. You can also use the delivery filter in the shop, to include or exclude expedited items while browsing for your next buy.
If your order contains both standard delivery items and expedited items, you will receive the items in different parcels.
How do I return an item that has been delivered with expedited delivery?
The return process for items with expedited delivery is the same as usual! You can return the unworn items within 100 days, free of charge. If you also have standard delivery items you wish to return, you can do so in the same box.
Please note: The expedited delivery fee will only be refunded in case of a full return or cancellation.